Nothing of value was lost doing it this way. I do take a few detours (Archylte Steppe for Cloudburst and Vile Peaks for Yakshini off screen.) Did Episode 3 out of order so I can get Moogle Throw. I control Serah as she is faster than Noel when doing pretty much ANYTHING, even using physical attacks with Sword (Bow is fail). I REALLY don't need the sidequests as the game is pretty easy without them (though the final dungeon and last few fights are pretty tough.

Maybe triggering the The Undying fight is a puzzle.) I bumrush through the game for the story while avoid some sidequests (they derail the flow of the longplay). Still plays like FFXIII but with some changes: downed Leader =/= Game Over, monsters form the third party member and are HIGHLY customizable (in terms of abilities and stuff), revamped Crystarium, lots of sidequests (no, those missions =/= sidequests.), and puzzles, which FFXIII LACKED! (well, there was one as far as I know: navigating the Taejin Tower, but that is irrelevant since the area had missions. Said chocobo lady may or may not be relevant. Squeenix RPG and sequel to the polarizing FFXIII, but you should already know that.įollow Serah as she meets a person from the future and goes across time to find her sister, chase a dude with a giant-ass sword, and meet a cute girl many times.